Tiger 21 Foundation

We believe that a strong economy, one that has a thriving middle class,
is essential for a stable and secure society.

Entrepreneurs are central to that.  In fact, most of today’s jobs have been created by companies started by entrepreneurs. To ensure that continues, we want to support—with our time, expertise, and money—a particular kind of entrepreneur, one who has the potential to create worthwhile, good paying jobs that will allow the working and middle class to thrive.

To that end, we will work with existing organizations—and on our own—to further entrepreneurship education (so that more people can gain the skills and knowledge to start businesses), while also helping young entrepreneurs grow their companies.

In addition, the Tiger 21 Foundation will seek to mobilize its members to further these goals through mentoring of students and young entrepreneurs, and seeking financial opportunities for them—such as scholarships and grants—that will enhance the ability of current and future entrepreneurs to succeed.